In this episode of The Jasper Blueprint podcast, Bessi shares common challenges leaders face on the journey toward sustainable success in business. If the last few years have thrown you off your game, this episode will shed light on potential causes as well as practical solutions for you to reclaim the reins in your business.

Consultants and advisors are promising to help small and medium businesses navigate the current climate, but more often than not they fail to deliver. As a result, business leaders are falling into one of two unhelpful responses: overwhelmed by the speed of change and demoralised by not knowing how to respond in a way that delivers results and makes commercial sense, many choose to do nothing. The second common response is to not even begin exploring but instead stick with “business as usual” and wait and see.

Bessi runs through the risks of these approaches and offers an alternative based on a broader understanding of risk and return.  

Also in this episode:

  • The importance of getting “fresh eyes” on your business model to identify low hanging fruit in your business.
  • How clarity on foundational elements will save you massive amounts of money when it comes to engaging external experts.
  • The free masterclass, underway this week, could be a great next step to explore how you can break the cycle without having to do it alone. Use the link below or join our private facebook group to get more information.

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Join our private Facebook Group – Merging Money & Meaning:

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About Bessi Graham:

With nearly 25 years’ of experience working with business owners, governments, and large funding bodies to merge money and meaning, my experience spans from the grassroots of sitting in the dirt working with business owners across the Pacific Islands through to the United Nations in Geneva. This has given me an unparalleled perspective.