In this episode of Both/And, Bessi Graham interviews Berry Liberman, who shares her story of survival and thriving growing up in one of Australia’s wealthiest families.

Berry has done (and continues to do) the work of mobilizing those into great privilege while integrating love and respect for her family’s journey with her path to making something meaningful of her life. Wherever you are in your journey, remember Berry’s advice that this work takes time, so “be kind to yourself on the road.”

Also in this episode:

  • Act from a place of love, wholeness, and connection
  • If you think the end of your work around your privilege is fear, anger, resentment, and self-loathing then you haven’t finished the journey! You have to keep going
  • Don’t move from a place of guilt. Come from a place of integration and presence
  • “Throwing your privilege away is not being accountable for it”

Stay Connected With Berry Liberman: 

Small Giants:

Dumbo Feather:

Berry Liberman’s Book Recommendation:

Preparing Heirs: Five Steps to a Successful Transition of Family Wealth and Values by: Roy Orville Williams and Vic Preisser:

About Berry Liberman

Berry Liberman founded an impact family office called Small Giants with her husband, Danny Almagor. Their investing philosophy is to use financial capital in service to create the world they want to leave their children and grandchildren.

As the first B Corporation in Australia, they commit to using business as a force for good in the world and are constantly asking the question – can we pivot to a Next Economy model which has us living within the bounds of the ecology and towards human flourishing? 

She is the editor-in-chief of Dumbo Feather magazine and media platform and creative director of Small Giants Academy, an education platform as well as their sustainable property, renewable energy, regenerative agriculture, impact investing and community development portfolio of businesses that make up Small Giants. She is a mum of three beautiful kids and a Bordoodle puppy named Cookie.

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About Bessi Graham:

With over 20 years of experience working with business owners, governments, and large funding bodies to bring “doing good” and “making money” back together, my experience spans from the grassroots of sitting in the dirt working with business owners across the Pacific Islands through to the United Nations in Geneva. This has given me an unparalleled perspective on what makes change happen. 

You know you were born to do something significant, so don’t leave it to chance.

13. A Story of Survival And Thriving | feat. Berry Liberman